Saturday, July 28, 2007

manteo, hatteras, okracoke islands

There is something to be said about free time, love and sunblock. Apparently I wasn't listining on that day in class. Let me tell you guys something about traffic. If you intend to go to the outerbanks don't do it on a Friday, or Saturday. It took Babycakes and I 5 1/2 hours to drive what should have taken 2 hours tops.
Manteo is a sleepy town. Even more so than it was 10yrs ago. The Roanoke Island Inn is still worth going to. Quit and beautiful. Not much as far as night life and the business' around seem to come and go. Poor Richards has been there at least since the early 90's and is the only thing other than the manteo book store that is still around. The stars are incredible at night and apparently Carrie and I are the only ones who give a shit.
Hatteras we just breezed through and then there is the free ferry to Okracoke. Ocracoke has some of the best beaches on the east coast. The island is only sixteen miles long and not much for riding, but Babycakes and I went for a nice run for about 40min. after being in the car for awhile. We proceeded to find a place to listen to live music and indulge in some fresh fish and wine. It is a must to drive down from the busy area and check out the beaches. We could see other people, but we couldn't hear them, or jets. Silence is priceless. I even found a place to get an espresso and a nice Ashton Estates cigar. Life is short live it up.

black beard

Who can resist the rebel spirit?

Friday, July 13, 2007

just of the road

This covered bridge was built in 1914 and still standin. The water felt great.

The hoola hoop queen

Carrie didn't really taste much wine, but she had her fun listening to music and checking her hoola skills. Go Babycakes.

Floyd County Winefest

Sunday after riding we went to Floyds winefest. It was mellow and the food and wine was good. Virginia still has alot to learn about red wine, but the whites and desert wines are doing farely well. It is the south. Didn't we invent sweet tea? People were nice and I got drunk a little.

Don't let the smile fool you

She was down right nasty moments before this picture when she was makin the climb. Its like she gets mad at the hills. I just don't know what to think.

off work again

This was day three of riding at Fairy Stone State Park and still smilin'. There isn't a huge network of trails. The main loop is 41/2 miles and the other two loops are about 21/2, but you can workem all together and get a good ride in. You can also just punish yourself with repeats on the main loop which is about 21/2 miles of climbing, but the down hill is worth it. It would be an awesome place for a race.